Six Degrees of Automotive Separation: Tucker and DAF

| воскресенье, 26 июля 2009 г.

Tucker v DAF

So for last week’s Hemmings Six Degrees of Automotive Separation Challenge, we dipped into mainstream territory by asking you to link MG and Mercedes, but we are now firmly headed in the complete opposite direction: terra incognita, oddballeus maximus.

How in the world can one link Tucker to DAF? In six degrees or less? Impossible? We did it in exactly six. Can you do the same?

The rules, as before, are simple: A connection consists of one company owning another, merging with another or sharing another’s parts. Explain your connections, and as before, the point isn’t necessarily to do it in the least number of connections, but to do it with style and with obscure connections. If you need examples, check out our previous Hemmings Six Degrees of Automotive Separation Challenges.

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